It is imperative that School-Bus Drivers have immediate communication with their Dispatchers in the event of an incdent such as students fighting on-board a Bus or an accident.

FleetLink PoC also allows Dispatchers to quickly instruct drivers to take action such as stopping the School Bus and locking the students inside in the event of a shooting incident in or around a School.

Where laws prohibit using hand held devices to communicate while driving, FleetLink can be operated with a foot button to toggle PoC.


PTT over Cellular Networks is now a reality. You can instantly talk to one or more associates anywhere in the world where they have Cellular service and running Datalink FleetLink in their ANDROID or iPHONE Mobile device including Tablets

If you sell LMR Products you will be aware of AT&T FIRSTNET M2M PTT services. You can become a reseller for Datalink International and NextM2M with Global SIMs and Multi-Network open roaming.

Buy 5MB of M2M Airtime for a nominal cost and you can track a School Bus with 20 second updates for one month. This provides Datalink's Resellers with excellent profit margins.

For more details on Datalink M2M click here

For more details on Datalink M2M and PoC (PTT over cellular) click here


Local and Long-Haul Trucking

Tourist Trolleys and City Transit Buses

Plant Employees Bused to work

Winery Tour Buses
ParaTransit Vehicles On-Call

Click Here to view live GPS Tracking of Gatlinburg Tourist Trolleys































































































































































































For more information please contact our regional representatives

| Great Lakes | Cambridge Group | SECOM |











FleetLink is one element of a complete Voice and Data Communications system based on Datalink Software and Hardware. Just click here for more details.

















Copyright: Datalink Systems International Inc. 2019