









Datalink has selected Meitrack as its primary source of 4G and 3G GPS Tracking devices. The Meitrack T633L a Multi-Port 4G control and monitoring mobile hub is now available for School Buses  and other Fleet Vehicles.

In operation, Datalink's DataNET Host Software and the Meitrack T633L installed in each School Bus, transmits GPS location data every 30 seconds along with Student and Bus information to the School's Dispatch and Administration desks and Database.

With the increased violence and shootings in Schools and Campuses across the country, Datalink has used its many years of GPS and tracking experience to develop an advanced, yet low cost solution to track and protect School Buses and Students being transported.







RFID Card scanner records students entering the School Bus in the morning and leaving the bus in the afternoon.
The same RFID card reader can log the Driver on and off duty. 
Optional Wi-Fi linked Android Smartphone or Tablet allows for two-way text messaging between Dispatch and Drivers. 
Datalink's i50 MobiHUB can monitor Lights, Door openings, Engine alerts and bad driving habits and speeding.
Also monitors excessive engine idling and fuel wasteage. A significant cost savings. 
Should a School Shooting occur, School Admininstration can send an emergency alert to all School Buses to stop and keep students on board.


Ulefone ARMOR rugged Smartphone with approved PTT





Meitrack 4G T-633L



All GPS information and other data sent by the T633L is processed by Datalink's DataNET. DataNET Software can be installed locally on a Windows server or remotely, including Cloud Servers. WebGATE is the user interface to DataNET and allows Management and other supervisors to log in remotely, using Desktop computers, Laptops, Tablets and smartphones from any location.
Datalink's BusLINK can operate as an "end to end" stand-alone low cost Student and School Bus tracking system, or it can be the mobile "on board" device linked to 3rd. party Student Management Systems where an SQL database is the bridge.


Datalink's DataNET writes all data to the local School or School District database, allowing for 3rd. party legacy programs to access the records and embed them into other management programs such as Edulog.

If the School District currently uses a Student Management Software Program, the information from the School Buses can be integrated with the existing program.


NEXTM2M in partnership with Datalink can deliver very low cost cellular airtime using global SIMs.  Global SIMs lock on to the strongest Cell' Tower irrespective of the carrier. These include AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon and others. Contact Datalink's regional Sales Agents for details on getting NEXTM2M airtime service.


The T633L can be ordered with optional RFID student tracking readers and cards. One reader will log a Student on or off a School Bus with Student I.D. along with location, date and time being sent to the School Database.  If two readers are installed within 18" of each other, the direction of swiping past both readers will record whether the student entered or departed the School Bus.  All data records are transmitted and stored in the associated Database.


In the event of a shooting or other major incident at a School, instructions can be sent over Cellular or Mobile Radios to each driver to stop and secure the School Bus and all Students within. Those instructions can be sent from a WebGate at the Administrator's desk or by email or SMS from Smartphones, Tablets or Laptops from any authorized personnel with the correct security access password.


Drivers can be logged on and off duty, or be assigned control of a specific bus by using an RFID scanner installed in each Bus. The engine can be locked out until a driver with an authorised RFID card is scanned in, assigning control of the Bus to a specific driver with the record logged into database records.  Shutting the engine down logs out the driver, requiring a driver RFID re-scan to unlock the engine.  This also prevents a School Bus from being Hi-Jacked or taken for a joy-ride by an errant student.


MOVE GPS OFF VOICE CHANNELS!  Many school-districts require GPS and other status reports to be transmitted to dispatch desks every 10 to 20 seconds. With a large School Bus Fleet this would overload mobile radio channels and interfere with voice communications. The solution is to move all GPS and other data transmisssions onto low cost M2M cellular networks such as delivered by NEXTM2M.


Many existing School Bus "on-board" tracking systems may be outdated. The Meitrack T633L and related low cost M2M Cellular service linked with DataNET can replace older hardware and link into the existing 3rd Party School Bus Management Software at the School District. This would give them a "state of the art" system and also greatly reduce their monthly service fees.  There are around 1/2 million School Buses in operation across the States, many with outdated systems.


Our BusLink App provides almost real time tracking of Buses and ETA to next Stop.  This is not built in to our School Bus Tracking solution. A separate option.  This also allows the general public to view the location of Buses on their Smartphones or Tablets without having to instal an App.






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